/*Title search code(12-16)*/ 2017-11-05 ~ WARUZIKO


samedi 11 novembre 2017

France in the center of #genocide (La France au cœur du génocide).

Jacques Morel, author of the book "France in the center of genocide" (La  France au cœur du génocide) and an expert in #Rwanda has been gathering  evidence about French complicity in the Rwanda genocide against Tutsi. Full ArticleUrakoze Cyane !!!

jeudi 9 novembre 2017

Karamaga, One of the famous Bisesero resisters in Genocide Against Tutsi

Karamaga, One of the famous #Bisesero resisters, lost all his children & wife during against Tutsi. Then after Remarried. Today his first girl graduated High Skul in Rwanda
Urakoze Cyane !!!

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